@Raylenn @MofetaFanBoyNG well first sorry if my first reply was late, i hadn't noticed that it was old...and secondly....glad that we agree on that matter. Peoves that newgrounds still have a long lifespan before him as that oasis of freedom and creativity that others platforms fail to be as they want too much control.
waddya mean "evrything by evryone my ass"? i is the case as far as i'm concerned.. even more whencompared to platforms like youtube, pinterest or even facebook and twitter...so yeah you're rather lucky that newgrounds'stil around
Firstly, you’re a little too late on the response to an old journal, but you’re ooint remains. Second, I had a change of heart on the matter months ago after finally posting and realizing the matter and you’re right, I am rather lucky this site still exists when others like what you mention are a lot less welcoming than here.